Swap negative talk for kindness it ,works! ❤️
Do you talk to yourself like you would to a good friend?
Or are you less forgiving and empathetic?
Start by noticing negative self-talk. Then “flip the script” and practice sending positive messages.
Negative self-talk tends to be cyclical.
You might tell yourself, ‘I can’t believe I ate so much dessert yesterday. I’ve been wanting to eat healthier, but I can’t. Guess I’ll just give up and start over on Monday"
Try re-framing the situation in a positive light.
You might say, ‘I really enjoyed dessert yesterday. Next time, I’ll ask my family to share the dessert so that I don’t end up eating more than I planned .”
The more you practice positive self-talk, the easier it becomes. Speak kindly to yourself.
Try adopting these new habits and you’ll be surprised at the progress you’ll make.
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Ha! I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks I "deserve" the food. "I did all this today, and here's my reward". The negative thoughts don't happen until the next day. "I'm so weak, why did I eat that?".